Herbal Medicine

What is involved in a Naturopathic herbalist consultation?

To effectively treat someone’s illness it is important for the herbalist to hear about the client’s symptoms, their lifestyle and experiences in life. Imbalances and disharmony in the body can be unseen (emotional, from years before) and manifest as inflammation, spasms, breathlessness, repeated infections, rashes, allergies, lack of energy, nausea, headaches, depression or anxiety.  

Allergy tests and diagnostic tests may be needed to fully clarify the problem. I initially use kinesiology to detect food intolerances and allergies, toxic metals, pathogens and energetic imbalances in organ or system functions. Kinesiology (see other therapies page for explanation) helps me choose between herbal remedies to determine the most effective. The bonus is that the client feels the difference too and this inspires confidence. 

All nutritional advice, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies recommended are explained and a treatment schedule is provided.  

Review appointments are recommended as longstanding conditions may need repeated treatments to bring about a full recovery. 

Herbal medicine evolved with human beings and in medieval times became the remedies used by indigenous shamans, community healers and monastic monks. From there it evolved into our current highly technological, highly skilled medical practices and pharmacology we have today in hospitals and GP surgeries. 

Why visit a herbalist? 

A herbalist is a specialist in the use and combining of herbal remedies for maximum beneficial effect. Having a knowledge of medical conditions and pharmacology enables the herbalist to safely prescribe herbs. All herbalists need to be Registered and Insured to practice legally and abide by a strict Code of Conduct and Ethics. 

Naturopathy is the use of a variety of healing methods that do not involve medication but improve overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. The core belief is that improving the functions of the digestive system and the detoxification pathways will improve overall health. 

Why use herbal remedies? 

The majority of herbs that are used for remedies are totally safe, non-toxic and have multiple benefits and can be bought over the counter or harvested in the wild. Those that have dose related toxicity are called Schedule 20 herbs and are not widely used or available to the public without practitioner supervision.

All herbs are regulated by EU legislation, Traditional Herbal Medicines Product Directive (THMPD) and in the UK by The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 No.1916. Despite restrictions under THMPD there are still many herbal remedies for self treatment available as over the counter products, and the interest in herbal medicines continues to grow.

If you would like to know more about a particular herb, or if you’d like to report an adverse reaction to a herbal product then please get in touch.

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