Lucy healed me from the inside out!

After suffering with severe allergies affecting my face with swelling and skin rashes, along with my physical and mental wellbeing from being so run down and low, I had exhausted all options from hospitals to specialists along with natural allergy testing and then was recommended kinesiology.

I found Lucy and literally she healed me from the inside out! I was very sceptical how kinesiology could work but Lucy managed to pin point certain foods to stay clear of, and with certain herbs to cleanse my liver and then others to boost back up my immune system along with a strict diet for a couple of months the benefits have been incredible.

I hadn’t realised how ill I had felt until I started healing and knowing it was all natural and not pumped full of steroid creams or tablets but just the knowledge of herbs and Lucy. My skin healed I am now able to eat the foods I was unable to and my nervous system is back on track. I’d definitely recommended Lucy.

From Sinead-Marie

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